Electronic Money Institutions

Electronic Money Institutions experience the challenge of introducing and working with new technologies that deliver a faster service to customers and complying with an increasing amount of regulation, while protecting their legal risk. 

Business owners, boards of directors and heads of compliance of Electronic Money Institutions need solicitors that understand their industry and the relevant law and regulations, and speak with candour and brevity. 

We are commercially-focused, have great contacts in this sector and work closely with compliance firms that also specialise in this area. 

We can:

  • Advise on whether your business model falls within the definition of ‘issuing electronic money’ contained in the Electronic Money Regulations 2011
  • Advise on how best to safeguard customer funds
  • Draft your customer facing terms and conditions
  • Advise on the interaction of prepaid card terms with your own business

Do you want help with your legal documentation?

Contact us today for clear, commercial advice.

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